The IQ Option trading platform contains a whole host of exciting features, but it means that it might not be easy to choose those that suit your trading strategy. By opting to customize your IQ Option settings, you can choose exactly what you want (and don’t want) in your trade room environment, allowing you to get the best out of the platform. We’ll be looking at some of the available settings and how to modify them to your liking.
If you are still not familiar with the IQ Option platform, here is a step-by-step guide on how to download the app to your device.
Click on the Settings button and you will find a menu with five tabs underneath. Each tab contains customizable settings to enhance your trading experience.

Appearance tab
This tab allows you to alter the appearance of your user interface in the trade room. Here, you will be able to set a time zone (especially useful if you’re following major news), as well as your language preferences.
Ambiance is extremely important to any trader: it helps to be at total ease and comfort whilst trading. To create the perfect trading environment, you’re able to choose your favourite colour scheme, as well as toggle the world map on or off as you desire. Whether you like a clean and sleek interface with no background images, or if you’re looking for a more colourful and vibrant space, IQ Option have covered several bases.
Using this menu, you can also scale the interface, which can come in handy when trading on unusually small or big displays.
Finally, you will also find several checkboxes that correspond to different ways of viewing the information about your deals and the price actions.
Trading tab
This tab is built around a few checkboxes, some of which are active by default, but all are of significant important and impact your trading results! Here you’ll be able to change the way you trade options and CFDs on Forex, crypto, stocks, commodities and ETFs, all with a single click or confirmation. You can also change the way you close your open positions: choose if you wish to do it with a single click, or receive a confirmation every time. The last section will allow you to open several deals in one tab or a new one.
Keyboard shortcuts
This tab includes a variety of useful shortcuts for you to simplify and fine-tune the trading process. Designers and other professionals constantly use shortcuts when working with graphic design software — IQ Option provides you with this feature to enhance your trading experience. Once you have the keyboard shortcuts nailed, you’ll navigate through the software smoothly and with total ease.
Notifications tab
While notifications can be extremely useful, sometimes they might distract you from important tasks. In this section you can pick and choose which notifications you wish to receive. Here you will see whether you want to turn on or off: a) notifications you get when your position is about to close and b) the notifications of your new positions in the rating during the current week.
Privacy tab
This tab allows you to hide personal data from other traders. For instance, it is possible to hide your deals from other traders. You can also assign a nickname to be used on the platform (i.e. in public chats, leaderboards and more).
We hope that you found this guide useful. We’re sure that if you take on these handy tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to customizing your IQ Option traderoom and making your trading experience as fluid and simple as possible.