This is a message from the IQ Study team. We would like to throw in a quick heads-up before you read this material. There is a lot of trading advice out there, however, not all of it is 100% reliable. Frankly, we just had to post this article because Grinch threatened to steal all our presents if we didn’t. Having said that, please note that the following information shouldn’t be taken literally. To be safe, flip each piece of advice around and do the exact opposite thing.
Hey, it’s Grinch here, writing to you from my damp cave on Mount Crumpit. The holiday season is here AGAIN, and it’s driving me MAD! Everyone is constantly blabbering about their presents, reflecting on what they have accomplished this year and being grateful for their friends and family – it’s so annoying!
I’m really fed up with all this holiday wishes nonsense, so instead I will keep it real and share with you some trading insights. Being an experienced trader myself, I have gathered a few solid tips along the way. So, if you really want to get great trading results in the coming new year, here’s what you should do.
Listen to Your Gut
Don’t mind all those so-called trading experts – you know better. (Well, you can listen to me – but no one else). Just open the traderoom, go to the list of assets and choose the ones that look cool. Then hit BUY or SELL – whatever you feel like. Let your intuition guide you, it can’t lie.
Go All In
If you ever get a losing trade, remember: it’s just temporary. When the trend changes, you will earn much more. So don’t close the losing position; instead, double down or go all in to increase potential profit.

Forget About Trading Journals
Don’t waste your time writing down your trades – it’s totally useless. Market conditions change all the time, so creating a plan and analyzing trading results just doesn’t make any sense. Instead, do something useful with your time: for example, steal presents from your neighbors and throw them off a cliff.
Diversify to the Full
Trade as many assets as possible to cover more ground and increase the chances of getting great results. There isn’t much difference between assets, so no need to analyze them separately. Crypto, Stocks, Commodities – just trade what you like at the moment.
Stay Away from Technical Analysis
Asset analysis is for indecisive people who don’t have the confidence to make a move on their own. They’d rather study graphs for hours than seize the moment. You are not one of them – get yourself together and start trading right away.
I have to go now, some kids gathered outside my cave and started singing Christmas carols. I HATE the holiday season!
No doubt, you have realized by now that Grinch is not the best at giving trading advice. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that getting positive trading results often requires careful planning, market analysis and application of risk-management tools. So while Grinch’s trading tips may sound fun, we do not advise you to follow them. Instead, read some useful materials on this blog to learn more about trading and get real tips for achieving good results. For instance, How to Start Trading: Tips for Beginners or One Simple Strategy to Find Entries for Trades may come in useful if you are just getting started.
Did you like this article? More fun materials from your favorite holiday characters are coming up, so stay tuned!
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